• 6月21日〜25日まで米国・アンカレッジで開催されたTransducers 2015に柳生,喜々津の2名が参加し,下記の発表を行いました.


    Authors: T. Kikitsu, Y. Yagoto, M. Ogawa, H. Yagyu
    Title: Laser Tiltle: Microfabrication of Gold Nanoparticles Dispersed Polymer Film with Nanoparticle Size Control

    We report laser microfabrication technique of a polymer film using absorbance of Au nanoparticles for realizing nano-microstructure. Four size of Au nanoparticles was prepared using liquid-phase reduction method and newly developed size control technique. The polymer films with Au nanoparticles of different size was processed by Nd:YVO4-SHG laser. In this paper, optimal nanoparticle size and laser processing condition was demonstrated for realizing fine micropattern on the polymer film.


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Last-modified: 2022-11-03 (木) 17:56:11 (631d)